A Hot Walk in Epping Forest

epping forest mud 20210721 114624670Eleven of us gathered on a boiling hot 21st July day to walk in Epping Forest.

Starting at the public golf course, we headed towards Connaught Water, picking up Paul K. on the way. Crossing Rangers Road and starting to climb we were surprised to find water running across the surface of the ground. Across Epping Road near the Warren Wood pub we climbed up to Buckhurst Hill cricket ground where we turned north towards the Warren. A descent to Manor Road gave us a chance to recover our breath for the climb to Quist’s Oak where a drink stop was ordered. Down to Nursery Road and The Warren where Brian chose a path that soon became very muddy. This was surprising given the high temperatures we have been experiencing but we were soon past the muddy bits and those in sandals could cheer up. On to Epping Road where we crossed again and started back home. A stop at Grimston’s Oak for a drink and then a long slog in the pitiless sun across Chingford Plain to finish at the Golf Club café where ice cream was the order of the day.

Brian U., 21st July 2021